rTAU — Grow Your TAU

Reflect TAU
2 min readApr 4, 2022

Welcome to the Reflect TAU community, and thank you for joining. Fresh out of development, finished with testing, and ready for the real world, we present to you rTAU.

rTAU generates users TAU as they sit back and enjoy the show. Designed to be upgradable with The Action Core Pattern, protected with a multi-sig, and more innovative than any token on Lamden — rTAU pushes the technical boundaries of Lamden’s contracting while rewarding users just for holding.

By holding at least 1000 rTAU, users can enjoy the full benefit of rTAU by claiming accumulated TAU on https://reflectTAU.io/ as often as they would like. As a nod to the deflationary design of TAU, rTAU natively buys back itself from rocketswap and sends those tokens to a burn address, increasing the floor price of rTAU and decreasing the supply. rTAU also aimed to fix the issue of rented liquidity found in many token designs, and the protocol does so by adding liquidity as rTAU are traded. The rTAU protocol doesn’t rely on external liquidity, and because of how the protocol automatically adds liquidity itself, users cannot add liquidity.

The new rTAU was created by two developers and a DeFi researcher to mix history with the future by merging BASIC, one of the first tokens on Lamden, with the contracts of the future. More information to come soon. For now, either buy rTAU on rocketswap or swap your BASIC or rTAUOLD in your Lamden wallet using the contract con_reflecttau_v2.

rTAU — the most advanced token on Lamden
Buy rTAU: https://rocketswap.exchange/#/swap/con_reflecttau_v2
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